The Hard Times of COVID-19
It’s been hard for all of us in the last few weeks due to COVID-19. I’ve seen and heard a lot of bad things. Sadly, the world is in despair and everyone is scared and stressed, and we all have a right to be. As the world goes into lockdown, people are starting to shut down as well. Cities look like ghost towns, many people have lost their jobs and are worried about how they’re going to pay their bills or keep food on the table the following week. This is something that the world has not seen in our lifetime. What most of us are probably thinking is, “What will happen next?” “How bad is this going to get?” and “How long is this going to go on?”
While some may be more worried than others, some may be more financially burdened, whether it started from a bat or a conspiracy, there is one thing that is for certain… The virus treats us all as equals. COVID-19 is killing thousands of people, no one is safe from it and it is a threat to us all.

A Slight Change in the Pattern
I’ve noticed that something has changed in the last couple of days. Something that I didn’t expect this soon. Sales and communications, along with good spirits have started to climb. It almost seems that when I reach out to our customers, they seem to be a little more positive, understanding, and more forgiving of delays that are out of our control. Not only that, but it seems that people are starting to plan ahead again. Some are buying detectors for a birthday gift while others are buying for their kids to detect in their back yard or near their home.
There’s even a few that say they’re going to start metal detecting while in quarantine so they can get some fresh air and a change of scenery, even for just a couple hours. People are starting to buy metal detectors and accessories from us again. People are reaching out to us, they’re talking and dreaming about adventures and metal detecting.
The Hope that People. Can. Make. Things. Better.
As I sit here tonight, one thing keeps crossing my mind. Are sprits starting to climb even if it’s only a little? Perhaps everyone is tired of focusing on the bad. Maybe we need to escape and do something positive. Or is it that people are starting to fight back? Morale and willpower can be very powerful and so are our minds and I wonder if that is what will get us through this. Could it be that if we become strong and positive, while remaining conscious of being safe, and distancing ourselves from others… Could we actually make a difference?
We are at war with COVID-19 and we should fight back. It wouldn’t be the first time that mankind has made a difference by working together in a positive way.

The Conclusion | The New Beginning
I think what we need to do is stay safe and be smart. This is a terrible pandemic that is affecting us globally and I know we can ALL get through it. I believe that staying positive is the best way. If we reset our minds to understand that yes, this is a horrible thing that is happening, but we can’t be so afraid to the point that we just stop living! We need to stay focused on the things that really matter… our loved ones, our need to experience the world, our livelihood. Once this is over, I believe the world will thrive more than it did before.
Food will taste better. Family will be more important. Life itself will be more meaningful. I hope we all can start looking ahead and not only keep our family and friends safe, but start looking forward to living again. COVID-19 is serious but so is living. Let’s all do our part to keep this virus at bay and start preparing our minds for our new adventure once it passes.
It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a LIFESTYLE. Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.
The post We Will Not Go Gently. We Will Fight Back. appeared first on Treasures in America.
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