- Top Story, Treasures in America’s Launch
- Meet Celeste Sandbank, our Treasure Community Spotlight of the month!
- Global Discoveries, Pharaoh Body Survived Discovery
- TIA Bussiness News, Adventure Membership
- Featured Video, The Ultimate Treasure You’ll Ever Find

Treasures in America Have Officially Launched
Treasures in America is proud and excited to announce the launch of our new online Treasure Hunting store. With over 600 products and more than 50 categories, we are confident we can provide you with all you need to get out there and FIND YOUR ADVENTURE.
Our staff is available for any questions about our products and/or memberships, or even if you want to just pop in to say Hi!
Our Membership program is here to provide you with AMAZING discounts and benefits that you won’t find anywhere else on the web.

Celeste Sandbank (Prospector Barbie)
Celeste Sandbank lives in Northern California and is an Aesthetic Nurse by day and a Treasure Hunter by night. Her passion and knowledge for finding crystals and gold are inspiring! This is a girl who is not afraid to get her hands dirty while out there digging for what she loves. We heard that when she goes out digging, she’s always got a batch of cookies in her car or purse to persuade landowners for permission to dig on their land. Genius!
Celeste just became one of TIA’s paid members and purchased a Minelab Equinox 800 You can follow her on Facebook and/or Instagram.
** For a chance to be featured in our Treasure Community Spotlight, email us at Be sure to include your picture and a brief description of why. Include social media links if any and we will check it out!

“EGYPT archaeologists discovered the body of a pharaoh “largely intact” during an excavation near the famous Valley of the Kings.” “Ramses II was the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty in Egypt. Often regarded as one of the greatest and most celebrated rulers of the New Kingdom, he led several military expeditions into surrounding countries to strengthen the empire. He was buried in the Valley of the Kings, near the west bank of the Nile, but this is not where his body was found.”
How cool is that? There are new discoveries being made every day that prove there is so much lost history still uncovered around the world. We don’t have to go to Egypt to find something, we just need to get out there and look for clues in our own backyards.
The Adventure Membership
Become a Treasures in America’s member today and receive incredible benefits for one full year. There’s no better place to get more for your money than right HERE with a TIA Membership. Once a member, you can enjoy exclusive benefits on the following:
Exclusive Product Promotions throughout the store, Metal Detectors, Pinpointers, Shovels/Diggers & more! Free Shipping on orders over $99.99. Consultation on treasure hunting strategies and gear. Members-Only Exclusive Emails. Quarterly Members Only E-Newsletters. Members will also receive a Treasures in America decal!
You’ll never be alone again. Become a part of the team and enter a world full of adventure. Receive the tools you’ll need to be successful in making discoveries. Now everyone can be a part of this fast-growing team. know all about seeking out new discoveries and finding adventures.
The Best Treasure You’ll Ever Find
The Ultimate Adventure
The Treasures in America’s team has dedicated the last 20 years of their lives to adventure. Some of them, like Timothy Draper (Founder of Treasures in America), have spent most of their adult lives outdoors exploring everywhere they can reach. Treasures in America (TIA) have inspired many people along the way but it’s time to step it up a notch. It’s time to take secrets out of treasure hunting and start working with many people that want to be involved.
Like Timothy said in this video, “I’m going to do something that other treasure hunters haven’t done. Put trust in people.” Because TIA has so many sites of lost riches and history, we hope by sharing our adventure and teaching others, that many will follow, and many will succeed in not only discovering a passion but find their adventure as well. Watch this inspiring and exciting video and learn who we are and what we do.
The post FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER 2020 appeared first on Treasures in America.
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