Metal Detecting Doesn’t Stop with a Metal Detector
A pinpointer will make a world of a difference when it comes to digging up your treasure. As a metal detectorist, there are many tools that you should have with you, and a pinpointer is at the top of the list. Imagine using your metal detector, and it alerts you that you found a needle in a haystack. Sure, you can somewhat find the general area where the needle is but using a pinpointer will help you narrow it down to a very small area. When I first started metal detecting, I only had a small shovel and the detector, and my discoveries took much longer to narrow down. Unfortunately, sometimes I had to abandon my search altogether because I just couldn’t find what my detector had discovered. Now that I use a pinpointer, I never leave a hole I’ve dug without recovering an object. It’s that cut and dry.
I’ll break it down for you. You spent X amount of money on your metal detector to recover your treasures, so now take the next step and invest in a pinpointer. If you don’t, you might find what your detector is telling you about, but you could miss out on many opportunities of zeroing in and finding coins, relics, gold, silver, and much more. Pinpointers are similar to detectors but the biggest difference is that the detector has a large coil that helps you find the targeted area deep in the ground while pinpointers will not go deep in the ground, but will find the target less than a centimeter away from the tip of the pinpointer.
There are many good pinpointers out there and you can find tons of information on them by searching on the web. I would like to help you out by “pointing” you (pun intended) in the right direction of what brands and what models are the most popular by sells and customer reviews.
Pinpointer Brands to Research
Top Pinpointers in 2020

XP Detector MI-4

We are pleased to introduce another new product from XP, it is called the MI-4 pin point probe. Designed to be used by all prospectors at an attractive price, the MI-4 is equipped with the same MI-6 features without the Deus radio connection. Learn More.
Garrett AT Pro-Pointer

The Pro-Pointer AT provides all terrain versatility for locating and pinpointing metallic targets. It is environmentally protected from the elements and is fully submersible to a maximum depth of 20 feet or 6 meters. Learn More.
Whites Bullseye TRX

White’s Bullseye TRX is the perfect companion to your metal detector. Locate valuable coins, rings, jewelry, gold, and relics! When you’ve located a target and dug the hole, use the Bullseye TRX Pinpointer to precisely “pinpoint” the target. Learn More.
Fisher F-Pulse

The F-Pulse pinpointer pinpoints the exact location of metal objects buried in soil, sand or dirt. The F-Pulse is a fully waterproof pinpointer, submersible to 6 feet and is capable of functioning in salt and freshwater. Learn More.
Nokta | Makro Pinpointer

The New Nokta Pointer is the perfect detecting tool for the thousands of treasure hunters who search on land and in water. Locate your metal detector targets up to 50% faster. Spend more time detecting and less time probing your holes! Learn More.
Teknetics Tek-Point

The Tek-Point pinpointer pinpoints the exact location of metal objects buried in soil, sand or dirt. The Tek-Point is a fully waterproof pinpointer, submersible to 6 feet and is capable of functioning in salt and freshwater. Learn More.
Minelab Pro-Find 15

PRO-FIND Series pinpointers help you to accurately locate targets inside a small hole or crevice where a metal detector coil cannot fit. This results in smaller holes, less environmental disruption and faster target recovery time. Learn More.
Garrett Pro-Pointer II

With a new lost pinpointer alarm, increased durability and sensitivity, Garrett’s new Pro-Pointer II has everything you’ve come to trust from the original… and more! After 5 minutes of being ON without a button press, the Pro-Pointer II will begin emitting progressively faster warning chirps for 60 minutes. Learn More.
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