Monday, September 28, 2020

The Knights Templar Treasure


Crusader's Knights Templar Treasure


There is no doubt that everyone that knows me would agree that one of my biggest passions in life is historical treasure hunting. I have spent over 20 years learning everything that I can about the Spanish Conquests of gold, silver, and power in North America. I have learned so much and have over a hundred treasure sites that I’ve been researching since the age of 18. The more I would research, the more clues, and locations, and stories I found that I just couldn’t ignore. That’s how I got into treasure hunting or what I like to call, Historical Treasure Hunting. Finding out the story that is attached to certain monuments and structures is fascinating to me. But there is one thing that I favor even more than the lost mines and treasures from the Spanish in America: my family tree and heritage.

I started looking into my own family tree about 11 years ago. I was working an office job and found myself having a lot of extra time that I ended up using to research my own family lineage. It’s been a fun and exciting journey; I’ve made many discoveries and found many surprises along the way. First, I learned that my family history’s time in North America is relatively short, they arrived in North America in the 1840s from Scotland, and within a year, they traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah, and parts of Idaho, and that’s where many of us live today. To get to my story, I think I will start with the McGregor Clan of Scotland and move back in time. The McGregor Clan is well-known in history today for their lands, but more importantly, because of Robert Roy McGregor, also known as Rob Roy | The Scottish Robin Hood. Because the McGregor Clan were a noble and a powerful clan, it was natural in those times that noble families marry into other noble families and that’s exactly what happened in my family.

Rosslyn Castle Scotland Henry Sinclair

During my research, I was pleased to discover that I had 7 well-documented Scottish families in my family tree from the year 1020-1858. There’s the Clan Stewart of Argyll, Scotland who dominated the country for generations, the Clan Graham of Perthshire, Scotland who was instrumental in demolishing the Roman wall built by the Roman Emperor, the Clan Campbell of Argyll, Scotland was the most successful clan in Scottish history, and Clan MacDonald of Ross, Scotland who’s roots run deep being the oldest and largest of all Scottish clans and I’m just getting started! It was easy to investigate and link these families to mine because their history and records are widely known and there are many documented marriages, baptisms, birth, and death records. Last but not least, a few more Clans worth mentioning are the Clan Douglas of East-Lothian, Scotland who was one of the most powerful families, the Clan McGregor of Lanarkshire, Scotland of whom Rob Roy MacGregor belonged to and became the subject of the Hollywood film Rob Roy in 1995. And finally,  Clan Sinclair of Orkney, Scotland of which Henry Sinclair belonged to who led the Battle of Roslin in 1303 and defeated the English.

If being linked to families like that, doesn’t get you pumped and excited then I don’t know what does! The family clans from above are exactly the reason why I am deeply passionate about my family history but I can’t help but wonder, how can someone carry on the honor of their family history and their devotion for God and land? The more I study my family history, the more I realize that times are different, and even though I cherish, and honor family tradition, the best I can do is to try to remember my descendants and live brave, try to be respectful of others, and voyage and explore as much as I can. I think the most important thing I can do is to continue to research, learn, and document as many records as I can so I can share the stories with my children, and they can tell their children and so on, which brings me to the actual point of this story, the Sinclair family history.


The same Sinclair’s that are known for the Knights Templar treasure and the Roslin Chapel of Scotland. Now let’s can talk about the richest treasure known to man, the one that is too vast and powerful for any one man, the treasure of the Knights Templar.



On October 13th, 1307 King Phillip IV had his officers arrest hundreds of Knights Templar. King Phillip felt that the Templars had grown too powerful and wealthy and he felt threatened by them. He did one of the worst things anyone has ever done to a holy organization and he burned them at the stake. Some say that this is the origin where the superstition of Friday the 13th began; a day that would forever be remembered and considered cursed.

After Friday the 13th, many more Templars were hunted down and killed as well. From this point on, the Templars went into hiding and the organization went underground. For almost 90 years, the remaining Templars were spread out through Europe and in Scotland, some of the noble families shared the responsibility to keep the Templars secrets and their locations secret. Tunnels and Templar symbols underneath castles of Scotland have been recently found. Some historians and scholars believe these were castles and the Scottish families that dwelled in them would help the Templars to organize and grow strong once again.




In 1398, Henry Sinclair the 1st sailed to North America with 12 ships that were full of riches. He was accompanied by his brothers of God-the Knights Templars, and others that were equally loyal to the cause of hiding the treasure so that no man would ever find it.

Some say that Henry Sinclair, and the men that accompanied him, were the first to discover North America almost 100 years before Christopher Columbus ever set foot. Information like that could change history and what we are taught. A few questions I find myself asking are: Why would they leave Europe to hide the treasure? Why would they seek a location to hide it that is so far from their allies and their homeland?



Around the 1390s, a plan was made to hide this great treasure deep in the world, far away from everyone. The Templars felt that the treasure was too important to leave to chance that anyone might find it and they feared that its location would be found if it stayed in Europe. Henry Sinclair the 1st, Earl of Orkney was a Knights Templar and born into the noble and well-respected Clan Sinclair (my 17th Great-Grandfather). He was actively involved in the plans of relocating this valuable treasure. This was no easy task; it took patience and time to slowly make the arrangements of this incredibly detailed and thought out plan. It is said that for a couple of years, one of the Sinclair’s castles were used for the meeting place, where the 12 ships were loaded up and heavily burdened by gold, silver, ruby’s, silks, statues, coins, and holy relics. This was done in a discreet way so no-one would notice that the group and clan family was up to something.

Even though there are a few different stories and theories of where they sailed, there has been evidence to suggest that those 12 ships landed on the newfound land of natives — a new world full of different cultures that had no knowledge of the Knights Templar, God, and the power of Europe. As I mentioned before, many believe that Henry Sinclair the 1st was the first to discover the “New World” nearly a century before Christopher Columbus. Many also believe that the Sinclair Party and Templars landed in the Nova Scotia area for the winter, and then sailed on to Massachusetts.

There is one story I found of an unknown fisherman and his brother that showed up in Orkney Scotland, after 12 years of being missing in action. He told a remarkable story of losing control of his ship by a storm and ending up in Greenland. As the story goes, Henry Sinclair believed their story and also that these fishermen knew how to get to the New World. He convinced the fishermen (now known to be the Zeno Brothers), to accompany him, and the 12 ships back to North America.

Henry Sinclair did return to Scotland where he constructed the famous Roslin Chapel of Scotland. The same Roslin Chapel where it is claimed that Henry Sinclair left sculptures and hidden secrets of his travels to North America as well as clues to where some treasures might be hidden in and throughout the chapel itself.


Knights Templar Tunnels Israel


There have been many discoveries in North America that could change history as we know it, a history that is not taught in schools today. The history that has yet to be discovered is so complex that if a modern-day treasure hunter could have the resources to research and follow the clues, they could discover more than he or she thought possible. Some historical artifacts and discoveries have been found in Eastern of Northern America and date back as far as the Vikings and they lead many to believe that the Knights Templar may have, in fact, sailed, and landed in North America. A few that I will discuss in this article are the Newport Tower, Westford Knight cemetery, and tunnels and caves.

Newport Tower Knights Templar

The Newport Tower found in Rhode Island is protected and is in great condition today. This structure has raised many questions: Who built it and when? Many people believe that Henry Sinclair, not only organized the construction of it, but furthermore, used it as a landmark of his exploration. The construction of the Tower is of European design and looks to be something of value. Much like the Roslin Chapel, the New Port Tower is believed to hold secrets as well. The tower was built with strange openings inside; some believe it points to stars and charts our galaxy, while others believe that it could be more like a map. Perhaps if used correctly and proven to be built by Henry Sinclair and his party, it would give the exact direction and location of the Templar treasure.

Westford Knight Cemetery

Westford Knight cemetery is in Massachusetts and is a place that can be visited today. There’s a display of a Knight Statue lying on the ground next to a grave. This Knight’s history and meaning is up in the air and many people still question its involvement with Henry Sinclair and the Knights Templar.

There are reports of tunnels and caves found in North America; man-made tunnels that show tool marks and are full of symbols that could be linked to the Templars. In some of these tunnels’, altars have been found that have running, natural springs that could be symbolizing the Holy Water of Christ. Was this a place for the Templars to pray?

There are several TV shows and documentaries that talk about similar things that I’ve as well. To name a few: the Curse of Oak Island on the History Channel and their search for the mysterious legend to the island, America Unearthed on the Travel Channel did a few episodes about the links and clues left behind in America that point to how the Templar treasure could be in America. There are many credible resources that have speculated and researched the exploration of Henry Sinclair and the Templar treasure in America for an awfully long time. There are many unexplained stories, structures, and artifacts that could be pointed to the Templars being here. What does that mean? Could it mean that Henry Sinclair and the Knights Templar really could have hidden their valuable treasure in North America?

If this is true, the wealthiest and largest treasure known to man might be right at our fingertips. All we need to do dedicate the time to research, organize, and find clues to the truth.



I have been hunting treasures and lost history for over 20 years. I studied History and Anthropology. I’ve spent countless hours hunting down the Spanish treasures in Western America. I am Timothy Draper, the Founder of the team, Treasures in America, a team dedicated to historical research and uncovering the truth. I’m a researcher that uses well-known and newly found evidence and lost history to find, structures, artifacts, and legends in America.


I’ve been investigating my family history for over 11 years. I take my family’s history seriously and I am always looking to further the family tree, backed by evidence and records from Europe and other resources. In the last few years, I have seen that many authors have written books about Henry Sinclair and his voyage to the New World. I’ve read about the secrets of the Knight Templar, the Roslin Chapel, the Templar treasure, and anything else I could find to be of value. I know that many people have spent a good chunk of their lives researching and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. There are many Historians and officials in America as well as Scotland that know this story very well.

This is where I’d like to ask something of my readers. If you read this article and you know of more information linked to it that may further my research, please reach out to me. If you know of a person that has information to the Knights Templar, Henry Sinclair, clues that have been found in North America, please pass this article to them so they can reach out to me. I would like to form a team of specialists that can join with me to hunt for not only the lost history and clues, but for the treasure itself! I know that with my experience, and a team of people that have experience in many different fields, will be the difference between success and failure on a mission like this.

I would like to form an alliance of knowledgeable people and go after this story. I want to fully document this journey and travel to Scotland, talk with historians there, scholars, and urban legend seekers find more clues, the back story and more so we can return to America and search for more clues. With all the information available in our current time, I believe that a well-rounded team can not only uncover the lost information but could be successful in actually tracking down one of the most important events that have taken place in history. I hope to hear from you. Let’s find The Knights Templar Treasure.

Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.


To reach out to me, please follow the links below:

Timothy Draper’s Bio, Contact Treasures in America, Timothy Draper’s Facebook, Treasures in America Facebook, Timothy Draper’s Instagram, Treasures in America YouTube Channel, Timothy Draper’s LinkedIn

The post The Knights Templar Treasure appeared first on Treasures in America.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Best Fisher Metal Detectors

Fisher Research Labs Metal Detectors

Fisher Research Labs Products

Many of you may have wondered or even asked, “What are the best and top-selling products from Fisher metal detectors?” I wanted to create a list here so everyone can get the information they need to research it further. What makes Fisher metal detectors so popular? What is the Best Fisher Metal Detectors?


What is Fisher’s History with Metal Detectors?

Fisher Research Laboratory was started by Dr. Gerhard R. Fisher back in 1931. He was a known engineer and inventor and he was the first to patent the metal detector. Like many great businesses today, Fisher started his business in his garage, making the first metal detector right here in the United States of America. Fisher is the oldest metal detecting company in the world and still today, Fisher is using current technology to build trusted metal detectors and accessories. This could be the reason why the Best Fisher Labs Research Metal Detectors may be a top-seller!

Fisher Labs Metal Detector

What does Fisher Metal Detectors Offer for Warranty?

Fisher has a great warranty program and they have a great staff to help you troubleshoot your product(s) and/or help you get it fixed or replaced. Their warranty can go up to 5 years on some of their metal detectors. That alone is a big selling point for many people.


Customer Rating and Feedback

Since Treasures in America has been in business, we have received tons of feedback and customer ratings from previous Fisher customers. One thing that I can say is, people really like their Fisher brands metal detectors and accessories. Most of them feel strongly that Fisher makes the best metal detectors and accessories on the market. In fact, a big portion of my customers have mentioned that they already own a Fisher detector, have loved it, and are now in the market for an additional one OR that it’s time to upgrade and buy a new one to replace their old one. It is obvious to me that people really like Fisher’s brand metal detectors.


Fisher Metal Detectors Accessories 2020

Best Fisher Metal Detectors

Below you will find what are considered to be the bestselling Fisher products for 2020. Read through the short descriptions of each to help you decide which one is a good fit for you. Always choose a metal detector that is within your budget and one that fits your needs. If you need assistance or if you have any questions, please reach out to our customer service department and we would be glad to outfit you with the product(s) that fits your needs.


Fisher 1280X 8" Coil Metal Detector

Fisher 1280X 8” Coil

Retail $549.00

The 1280X 8″ Coil is housed in the most rugged enclosure and has a collapsible pole assembly. A short pole assembly is desired when diving, but the full extension is preferred when standing or wading.  The 1280X is submersible to 250 feet. The control housing can be easily removed for hip mounting or it can be chest-mounted with an optional chest harness. The 1280X is known for being the best freshwater detector but can be used in salt water as well.


Fisher CZ-21 Quick Silver

Fisher CZ-21 Quick Silver

Retail $1,099.00

If you are looking for a land or beach metal detector and a trusted brand, you came to the right place. The Fisher CZ-21 metal detector comes highly recommended by many customers and the reviews are incredible. A whopping 250′ deep metal detector that can be used on land or water and under $1100 dollars is amazing. This truly is one of Fisher Labs best detectors.


Fisher F19 Metal Detector 11" DD Coil

Fisher F19 11” Coil

Retail $449.00

Announcing the New F19 with 11″ DD Waterproof Search Coil! This is a high-performance coin/relic detector that comes standard with our 11″ DD waterproof coil and at 19 kHz operating frequency, it will be the best relic detector ever! Conquer iron-infested sites with our Fe Tone – Adjustable Iron Audio, new enhanced V-Break Tone Discrimination system, Notch mode with adjustable Notch Width, and a display backlight on/off feature.


Fisher Detector F44

Fisher F44 11” Coil

Retail $309.00

The F44 is an easy to use manual ground balance detector. It has superfast retuned speed with excellent target separation and easy to use Discrimination, Sensitivity, Notch, and Pinpoint features. GROUND-GRAB Computerized Ground Balancing and Manual Ground Balance make it easy to tune the Fisher F44 to the soil you are hunting in. Easily identify buried targets. Custom mode allows users to set their own tones.


Fisher F75 + with Boost Mode

Fisher F75 | Black Special Edition 11” DD Coil

Retail $699.00

Fisher F75 Ltd with Boost and Cache Processes.
The most versatile high-performance detector ever made! It is the industry’s premier relic hunting and ultimate multi-purpose metal detector. These new features make the F75 Ltd more versatile with greater depth, better target separation, and audio features that will open your iron-infested sites!


Fisher Gemini 3

Fisher Gemini 3 | Deep Seeking Detector

Retail $649.00

With the Fisher Gemini 3, you will be on the right path to discoveries. This is a different type of treasure hunting than your normal metal detecting. To be successful in recovering deep treasures you need to know a few things.


Fisher Gold Bug 2 Gold Metal Detector

Fisher Gold Bug 2 Combo Package

Retail $749.00

The Gold Bug 2 offers extraordinary sensitivity; at 71 kHz it features a remarkably high operating frequency. The Gold Bug 2 also features iron discrimination, is dust and moisture resistant, has audio-boost, and can operate in any type of soil with the choice of three mineralization modes. In the Iron Disc Mode, the detector can identify hot rocks and small iron trash items like nails. Package includes Detector, 6.5’ & 10” coil.


Fisher Top Selling Coils & Accessories


Fisher 5" DD Coil

Fisher F 5 – 5” DD Coil

Retail $109.00

Fisher’s smaller 5-inch coil is great for finding coins, smaller jewelry, relics, and even small gold nuggets. The small 5-inch size is perfect for detecting in high-density trash areas, highly mineralized soil, and hard to reach tight spots. All Fisher search coils purchased separately carry a 90-day factory warranty and are fully submersible. Works with the Fisher F5 & F19 metal detector.


Fisher F-PULSE Pin Pointer

Fisher F-Pulse Pinpointer

Retail $129.00

The Fisher F-Pulse Pinpointer, pinpoints the exact location of metal objects buried in soil, sand, or dirt. The Fisher F-Pulse Pinpointer is a fully waterproof pinpointer, submersible to 6 feet, and is capable of functioning in salt and freshwater.


Fisher F75 15" DD Coil

Fisher F75 15” DD Coil

Retail $119.00

This 15″ DD coil gives a huge depth advantage over the 11″, especially when used with the boost or cache modes. The depth is incredible letting you see that deep virgin ground that is out of reach for all other detectors. The DD configuration and speed of the Fishers still give excellent separation for a coil this size. Waterproof 15″ Search Coil from Fisher, Designed for Fisher F75. Includes 90 Day Factory Warranty.

To view more of Best Fisher Labs Research Metal Detectors, please browse more of our website and online store.

It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a LIFESTYLE. Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.

The post Best Fisher Metal Detectors appeared first on Treasures in America.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Minelab Equinox Series

Minelab Equinox 800 Metal Detector

The Minelab Equinox series has become one of the most wanted metal detector series in the world. From the detector itself including all its accessories, the Minelab Equinox has proven to be a hot commodity. Let’s get into a few things that I believe makes the Equinox such a big-ticket metal detector.



I have said time and time again that the Minelab CTX 3030 is my favorite metal detector. There are many reasons for this, and you can read more about why from my previous article. I was personally present for the ‘Minelab Dealers Meeting’ in 2017 and that was the day that Minelab gave us a sneak peek of the Equinox. As my team sat in the conference room, a Minelab employee leaned over my shoulder and said to me, “This is a detector that we think Treasures in America will really like.” Within seconds, the speaker announced that we will now talk about the Equinox and will be able to see the prototype for ourselves.

As the speaker was explaining the amazing innovative features of the NEW Equinox, it was being passed along to all the dealers so we could examine it firsthand. When it was finally passed to me, I was impressed instantly. I held the Equinox in my hands and immediately noticed the perfect balance and light-weight structure. As I was tuning into its slim and unique appearance, the same employee who had spoken to me previously stated, “We know treasure hunters like yourself will appreciate the compact size and weight of the Equinox Series. We’ve taken the technology and highly admired functions and simplicity of the CTX 3030 and created this detector that is more affordable.” Keep in mind, this detector is not fully comparable with technology and performance as the CTX 3030, but they definitely brought value with a few of the sought-out functions and options of the CTX. As soon as the Equinox hit the market, I jumped at the opportunity to get my name on the list to get one.



The Equinox 800 has functions and technology like the CTX 3030 which makes it one of the most powerful metal detectors for only $899.00. When it comes to advanced metal detectors, they range anywhere from $2,000-$8,000. The Equinox 600 has almost all the same functions as the Equinox 800 minus the Gold mode function for $649. If hunting for gold is not your top priority, then the 600 is going to be a great detector for you. Just because the 600 does not have the gold mode, does not mean that it will not find gold targets. It just means it does not have the special preset that uses the perfect frequency for gold. You will still be able to find gold coins, relics, and jewelry. The 800 will find gold nuggets and more due to the frequency change. If you are hoping to find gold, the 800 will be the better choice for you. Now, we can get into functions, options, and accessories.


With innovative NEW simultaneous multi-frequency technology, the Minelab EQUINOX Series redefines all-purpose detecting for the serious enthusiast. Equally adaptable for all target types and ground conditions, just set your detecting location and go!



Minelab Equinox 800

With the added functionality of Gold Mode, High Frequency 20/40 kHz., Wireless audio accessories, and Advanced settings, the EQUINOX 800 offers extra versatility.

Modes: Park, Field, Beach, & Gold



Minelab Equinox 600

The Equinox 600 is very similar in functionality and design as the 800. The biggest difference in this detector is that the 600 does NOT offer the “gold mode.” That doesn’t mean that gold cannot be found with this detector, there’s just not a gold setting to search specifically for gold. There are plenty of coils and accessory options to choose from as well.

Modes: Park, Field, & Beach


Equinox Series Accessories

Top-Selling Accessories for the Equinox 800 and 600


Minelab ML 80 Wireless Headphones

ML 80 Wireless Headphones

Headphones come with regular Bluetooth technology but also have enhanced, super-fast apt-X Low Latency technology for the minimal time delay. It can also be connected directly to the detector’s 3.5mm (1/8-inch) headphone socket for wired use, via the included aux cable.



Minelab Equinox Waterproof Headphones


Waterproof Equinox Headphones

Waterproof headphones with EQUINOX connector. Take your headphones in the water where the Equinox can go. Can also be connected to a WM 08 Wireless Audio Module.



Minelab EQX 15" DD Coil

EQX 15 Double-D Smart Coil

This is no joke! The Minelab Equinox 15″ DD Smart Coil will cover more ground and read targets in double the depth. This smart coil will turn your Equinox Series into a new metal detector that will rise above others. No matter if you are looking for treasure caches, coins, or relics, this 15″ DD smart coil will help you succeed in your journey.


Minelab Equinox 11" DD Smart Coil

EQX 11 Double-D Smart Coil

Are you wanting to upgrade your Minelab Equinox? This coil will do the job and take your detector to a whole new level. The EQX 11″ is a DD smart coil that will help you discover more treasures.


Minelab Equinox 6" DD Smart Coil

EQX 06 Double-D Smart Coil

Minelab makes some of the best metal detectors and prospecting equipment in the world. Treasures in America is a proud Minelab dealer, offering the best of the best Minelab metal detectors and treasure hunting accessories.

As you can see, the Equinox series offers everything you could ever want in a metal detector. The price is right for a powerful detector and the variety of accessories like coils and headphones will help you grow with your Equinox. If you have any questions and would like help with your options, please reach out to Treasures in America and we would be happy to outfit you with the right tool for the job. If you would like to learn from Minelab please click on this link.

It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a LIFESTYLE. Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.

The post Minelab Equinox Series appeared first on Treasures in America.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Best Deep Seeking Metal Detectors

Deep Seeking Metal Detectors

How Deep Will Deep Seeking Metal Detectors Read Targets?

One question I get asked all the time is, “How deep in the ground can a particular metal detector find targets?” This is a tough question because some detectors are more accurate at 0”- 6” inches while others can read targets much deeper. The main reason I wanted to make this article is so anyone who is curious, can see which metal detectors on the market were designed to find deeper targets. Some of these detectors can read targets even deeper than suggested when you purchase a DD search coil. I will list a few examples in the listings below.

Please keep in mind that these are not cheap metal detectors. Most of these detectors are in the advanced detector category and the price will be much greater than your average detector. There is something else to keep in mind, the target itself. The size of the target can, and likely will make a big difference in how deep the detector will find targets. Soils, wet sand, and many other factors can also alter the depth reading. Gold, silver, iron… all these things play a big role in the metal detectors’ ability to read deeper or shallower in the ground.


What Brands Make Deep Seeking Metal Detectors?

There are a few brands that have deep seeking capabilities and I would like to go over them quickly.

Minelab is one of the metal detector leaders of the market. They make the beginner to advanced detectors, and a couple of their detectors can be considered “deep seeking detectors.”

Nokta is newer to the United States but has already made a great name for themselves in other parts of the world. They have a category for deep seeking detectors and several of them have some really great features.

Fisher is the oldest metal detector manufacturer in the United States. They have a metal detector that will seek out treasures deep in the ground.

Garrett is an all-time favorite brand and they also have a detector that I would consider as their deep seeking treasure finder.


Deep Seeking Metal Detector

Best Deep Seeking Metal Detectors of 2020

These detectors are not in any specific order, I will leave opinions and performance standards up to you to decide. I fully believe that all I can do is give you the information and you can decide what is best for you according to the price tag and options. Always buy the detector that is in your budget and that fits your needs. If you would like Treasures in America’s help outfitting you with the right tool for the job, please reach out to us.


Fisher Gemini 3

Fisher Gemini 3


With the Fisher Gemini 3, you will be on the right path to discoveries. This is a different type of treasure hunting than your normal metal detecting. This deep seeking detector is perfect for discovering a variety of “treasure trove” type caches like coins and jewelry that are deep in the ground.


Minelab CTX 3030 Ultimate Metal Detector

Minelab CTX 3030


The Minelab CTX 3030 Metal Detector is a serious metal detector for detectorists, treasure hunters, and more. This professional metal detector has multiple frequency transmissions, advanced targeting, and high sensitivity. I would consider buying the Minelab 17” DD Smart coil for $399.00.



Nokta Invenio Pro


Nokta Invenio has taken the first and single revolutionary step taken towards turning a dream into reality in the metal detector industry! Invenio represents one of the most dramatic advances in metal detection technology since conventional metal detectors first appeared on the market in the 1930s.


Garrett ATX Deepseeker Package

Garrett ATX Deepseeker


It is time to search deeper, better, and be successful in your treasure hunting with the Garrett ATX Deepseeker Package. Not only will this machine detect metals in the deeper in the ground, but it will also help with hard soils and situations that a traditional metal detector may have a difficult time with.


Nokta Makro Deephunter 3d Pro Package

Nokta Deephunter 3D Pro


The Nokta Deephunter 3D Pro metal detector is the first detector in the world to combine the ability to locate Deep Treasures, Cavities, and Individual Coins in one unit. Now, you can purchase a single, powerful detector that is capable of locating BOTH individual coins AND larger treasures at extreme depth.


MInelab GPZ 7000

Minelab GPZ 7000


With extreme depth capability and maximum gold sensitivity of the Minelab GPZ 7000, the innovative GPZ 7000 takes gold detecting to a new level of performance. This exciting detector has many versatile features and new technologies including wireless audio, integrated GPS, and a weatherproof platform. I suggest that you look into purchasing the Minelab 19” DD Coil for $1500.00.


Garrett GTI 2500 + Eagle Eye Package

Garrett GTI 2500+ Eagle Eye Package


Search deeper for even better treasures! The GTI 2500 Pro now includes the Super Deep Treasure Hound Depth Multiplier with Eagle Eye Pinpoint. Search for larger, deeper targets and scan 15 to 20 feet for buried treasure caches and other hidden valuables.


Nokta Jeohunter 3D Dual System Metal Detector

Nokta Jeohunter 3D Dual System


The Nokta Jeohunter 3D Dual System is designed and manufactured using the latest technologies. This system is the World’s most advanced detector for locating precious metals and detecting hidden cavities. Jeohunter 3D Dual System is a deep penetrating detector.


If you need any help, we are here to assist you and answer any questions. If you are looking for easy financing, we offer two different 3rd party companies that can get you approved in a matter of a couple of minutes. You can apply right from our website for easy checkout. Don’t forget to follow us on social media and keep an eye out for our YouTube videos.

It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a LIFESTYLE. Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.

The post Best Deep Seeking Metal Detectors appeared first on Treasures in America.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Minelab Vanquish Series


Minelab Vanquish Metal Detectors


The World of Metal Detecting and the Community

You’re not going to go wrong if you decide to purchase the Minelab Vanquish series. If you have not yet made the decision and you need more information, this is the article for you. The world of metal detecting and treasure hunting is changing. Before my partners and I decided to invest and start Treasures in America, we did our research and the rise in the world of metal detecting has increased massively since 2013.

With that being said, the metal detecting manufacturers have changed with time and technology, and accuracy has only gotten better. Metal detectors are not only better, but the metal detectorists themselves are also getting more bang for their buck. Minelab metal detectors are a great example of quality and technology. For many years, the X-Terra series has been not only affordable, but the series has offered many different accessories and search coils to fit your treasure hunting preferences. Now the Vanquish series is replacing the X-Terra series and is outperforming them as well.


The Minelab Vanquish Series Metal Detector

Minelab says, “Now Entry-Level Is Next-Level” and after purchasing one for myself, I can see why they say this. With modern day metal detectors, you don’t need to worry about training classes and spending months learning how the detector functions. In fact, several detectors on the market make it easy for a beginner to turn it on and start finding treasures. The Minelab Vanquish is one of those metal detectors and let’s not forget that the search coil is waterproof up to 1 meter.


The Vanquish series consists of 4 different models that have different price tags and different features. I’m going to help you understand all four models so you can make the choice of which one best fits your needs and budget. I tell everyone that the price is especially important and never go over your budget so please keep that in mind while you’re shopping. Life experiences have proven that if you are unable to afford the item you purchased, you will never be happy, so know your budget and stick with it.


Minelab Vanquish Series | The Four Different Models

To get even more detailed descriptions on the Vanquish models 340, 440, 540, and 540 Pro, click on the links.




The Minelab Vanquish 340 is your beginning model and it starts at $199.00 with many features that will be useful for everyone. It comes with the simultaneous multi-frequency that will find all metals; it will search in all soil types and works for silver, gold, jewelry, relics, and more. The preset mode built into this detector is Coin & Jewelry. It is also extremely light, weighing in at only 2.6 pounds, meaning you can swing this detector all day long without feeling like you have worn out your arm. It also has a telescoping shaft and armrest so you can pack it around with ease. Click on this link to learn more.




The Minelab Vanquish 440 is like the 340 but the price tag is $279.00 and it has a few more features than the 440. All the features I have listed above are included, but Minelab added the preset mode of Relics and a Custom Mode which means you can program to your own hunting preferences. With the 440 model you can now search anywhere at any time whether on the beach, in a park, or in the middle of a field. The 10” search coil will amaze you! Wet sand at the beach is hard for some metal detectors but not the Vanquish 440, it was made to dominate in these situations. Click on this link to learn more.



Minelab Vanquish 540


The Minelab Vanquish 540 model is getting up there with its options and is known as a serious detector with ultimate performance. The price for this detector is $369.00 and it comes with a 12” search coil. That might not sound like much when comparing to the 10” search coil from the 340 & 440 Vanquish models, but a 12” search coil can make quite a difference. This model also has the multi-frequency and the same modes as the 440 but the weight did change slightly. It increased by .2 pounds, giving it a total weight of 2.8 pounds. The 540 model does include a red LED backlight for you nighttime hunters that will help make it possible to see the screen in the dark. The iron bias function makes it easier to find treasure and without the hassle of digging up a lot of trash. Finally, let’s not forget about the rechargeable batteries or the fact that it comes with a pinpointer mode to help you narrow down the exact spot and depth of your find. Click on this link to learn more.


Minelab Vanquish 540


The Minelab Vanquish 540 Pro-Pack is for the serious detectorist that wants total control of their hunts and digs. The price of this is only $499.00 and there’s a reason for this, DD coils. It comes with the same technology as the 540 standard, but it comes with two search coils, the 8” and 12” DD coils. This gives you a completely different experience from the other Vanquish series because now you can use the 8” coil in the hard to reach places, but have the option of switching to the 12” coil to cover more ground. You also get the rechargeable batteries, Iron Bias, Bluetooth headphones, and the red LED backlight. The 540 Pro-Pack is basically the same as the 540, but with the 540 Pro, the extra 8” coil is included.  If you are looking for the best of the best in the Vanquish family, this is the one you want. Click on this link to learn more.


My Conclusion and Opinion

The Vanquish series is the future for beginners and advanced metal detectorists. The power and technology is literally in your hands for less than $500. Like I’ve mentioned before, pick the model that fits your budget and hunting preferences. I have left links that will take you to our website where you can learn a lot more about each detector. The specs and functions are listed in each product and our customer service team is here to help you and outfit you with the right gear that fits your budget and needs. Reach out to us with our live chat, our contact us form, email, or by phone. I wish you good luck in your search and I hope you find many treasures. To learn more from Minelab please click here.

It’s not just a metal detector, it’s a LIFESTYLE. Good Luck. Be Safe. Find Your Adventure.

The post Minelab Vanquish Series appeared first on Treasures in America.

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